Gradu diverso via-una - The same way, by different steps
Meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month between September-April since 1920
The Members of Elvetham Lodge would like to offer a warm welcome to all visitors to our website. One of the main purposes of the site is to help all those who have an interest in Freemasonry in Basingstoke, or Masonry in general to find out more about both Masonry and the Elvetham Lodge in particular.

Elvetham Lodge was originally consecrated at the White Lion Hotel, Hartfordbridge on 7th July 1920 by R. W. Bro Sir Augustus F Webster Bt. Provincial Grand Master, Hampshire and Isle of Wight.
Elvetham was formed to meet a demand from local business and trade people for a Masonic Lodge in the Hartley Witney area and for many years met that demand successfully. Minutes of the first meeting record 9 candidates for Initiation.
Of the 20 Founders, 7 were Past Masters.
Following the Consecration W.Bro. F H Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe was installed as the first Master and he appointed W. Bro. A Hepburn as Senior Warden and W Bro. T A Linton as Junior Warden.
The Lodge has enjoyed the support of 81 Masters over the years and today is regularly attended by 40 Masons.
The Lodge moved to Kenward House in Hartley Wintney in May 1921 and finally to the Basingstoke Masonic Centre, Victoria Street, Basingstoke on 23rd February 1993. Members are welcomed from all regions around Basingstoke.
Elvetham Lodge has enjoyed over 99 years of continuous Masonry. It is an active and well supported Lodge and although Membership now comes from a wider area it still retains a local focus in charitable support in the community.
Next year in 2020 will see the 100 year anniversary of Elvetham lodge for which we already have some exciting things planned for our members.
Elvetham family tree
Interested in joining Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is one of the world's oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. Its roots lie in the traditions and ceremonies of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles.
Today, Freemasons aim to shape their lives round five core principles:​ Integrity, Kindness, Honesty, Fairness and Tolerance.
If you would like to talk to us about joining, please contact us using the form below.